Redefinition Series: The Bible is NOT God!
John Hairston John Hairston

Redefinition Series: The Bible is NOT God!

There, I said it and I stand on it. The Bible is NOT God. The inability of many who call themselves “Christians” or Believers, to grasp this indisputable fact gets them into a world of trouble when attempting to explain, answer, defend, or debate what they believe.

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Yahweh: The God of All the Books
John Hairston John Hairston

Yahweh: The God of All the Books

Christianity has erroneously attempted to box Yahweh into the “Christian God”. Christians have limited Yahweh to the pages of the Bible and relegated the Omnipotent Almighty God to the machinations of their own understanding, reinforced by flawed interpretations and pseudo-religious experiences. They rarely contemplate who was God prior to the writing of Genesis. Was God waiting for the Torah to be written and distributed before making His existence known to man?

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God’s Word or Words of Man?: The Inerrancy/Infallibility Conundrum
John Hairston John Hairston

God’s Word or Words of Man?: The Inerrancy/Infallibility Conundrum

Rationally speaking, wouldn’t it be contradictory to claim that the Bible is the literal Word of God and then choose which part we will practice today, and then claim that certain parts were not for us today, namely women pastors? If it is the literal Word of God then any disobedience to any part is a violation of the Word of God.

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The Lazarus Project: 501c3 Noose or a Blessing?
John Hairston John Hairston

The Lazarus Project: 501c3 Noose or a Blessing?

Up until 1954 churches enjoyed tax-exemption, while still maintaining their ability to speak on the socio-political issues of the day; it was the church that was the backbone of the Civil Rights Movement, as well as other social movements that made considerable changes in their respective communities. But as time progressed, the churches, under political and legislative pressure, began to relinquish the frontlines of their communities to keep a tax-exemption status.

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The Ministry of Revolution Pt. 2
John Hairston John Hairston

The Ministry of Revolution Pt. 2

The seeds of revolution are cultivated in the sentiments of the members of the society when they begin to perceive the leadership and the institutions of the community as ineffective and out of touch with the real needs of the common people. When the leaders and the corrupted institutions become no longer servants of the people but become SELF SERVING.

This particular mentality is the root of a false classification system (classism), whereby the leadership begins to SEPARATE themselves from the welfare of the common man, and the needs of those whom they have been entrusted to govern; when compassion for the people turns into the CONTROL of the people, as a means of holding position and power; when the economic system set into place no longer serves the care and benevolence of the community and has become the personal ATM of the higher hierarchy; when the purpose of the institutions have ceased to be vital educational and social resources, and have been REVISED to propagate the subversive and secret agendas of those in control, and neither serve the interest of the people or produce improvements in conditions of that society or its people. This is the breeding ground for the revolution in that society.

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The Ministry of Revolution
John Hairston John Hairston

The Ministry of Revolution

There was a ministry and message in the turning over of the tables. It was the silent revolution of the people being openly and visibly expressed in the action of Christ. It was the counter-cultural confrontation between two paradigms.

The first was Roman-controlled, Sanhedrin enforced, commercially compromised, systematic oppression that instilled fear in the people, a spirit of bondage, which preyed and reinforced ignorance amongst the members of the society.

The second was the Yawheh-inspired, scripturally based, authentic system that had made the people great amongst the nations and favored in the sight of God.

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Apostleship and the Nature of the Call
John Hairston John Hairston

Apostleship and the Nature of the Call

In this perilous age of geometrical, arch-super apostles I am finding a very strange phenomena; a plethora of those who chase and hold the “title” of Apostle with no real authentic understanding of the nature of the call. Many believe that the mark or sign of the apostle is choc-full of miraculous signs and wonders, treated with unquestionable honor because, according to their narrow understanding, “God has appointed in the church, FIRST Apostles…[1 Corinthians 12:28]”. Their interpretation has them believing that they carry authority over the whole of Christ’s Church. With this comes Roman Catholic outfits and outlandish pontifications of their preeminence and stature. They surround themselves with illegitimate sons and daughters collected in the wake of false teachings and possessive spirits. And in the midst of all this apostolic confusion they forget the simplest truth-the call is also marked for death.

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Redefinition Post series: The Introduction
John Hairston John Hairston

Redefinition Post series: The Introduction

There is a prophetic correlation between denominational differences and the message of the recorded story of the Tower of Babel [Gen. 11:1-9, cf. 1 Cor. 1:10]. When the people wanted to use the collective gift of Unity in violation of its power, the language was confounded into babel [read the definition of “babel”]. According to the two scriptures mentioned, the unity in language and mind accesses the collective power and authority that “nothing which they PURPOSE TO DO will be impossible for them.” [Gen. 11:6 NASB]

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Spiritual Warfare Demystified
John Hairston John Hairston

Spiritual Warfare Demystified

Spiritual warfare is not about the Kingdom of God against Satan.

Revelation 12:4, 7-9 says that God defeated Satan in the beginning and cast him to earth as an exile from Heaven.

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A Faith of the Same Kind as Ours
John Hairston John Hairston

A Faith of the Same Kind as Ours

As I was reading tonight, a portion of 2nd Peter weighed on me. Chapter 1 verse 1 says:

“Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours…”

I was immediately drawn into the thought of whether we, as Christians, have a SAME KIND OF FAITH. In many instances in scripture, faith is defined as the body of knowledge that composes what we believe to be truth. It is our theology and doctrine, founded by a balance between the educational and experiential.

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Repentance, Reformation, Revival
John Hairston John Hairston

Repentance, Reformation, Revival

A diligent search of the letters of John we find a theme of three spirits operating in the earth presently (last days, as John called them): The Spirit of Christ, the spirit of the antichrist, and the spirit of error.

When the disciples asked Christ (Matthew 24-25) regarding the signs of the last days and His return, He stated that deception would rise in direct correlation to the spirit of the antichrist, producing saturation of error among those who claim the faith.

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I Got Herod in the Crosshair: Unveiling the Systematic Killing of a Prophetic Generation
John Hairston John Hairston

I Got Herod in the Crosshair: Unveiling the Systematic Killing of a Prophetic Generation

Make no mistake about it; the numbers don’t lie. A turned head or deliberate shut eyes won’t make it stop; ignorance won’t impede its steady march and progress. The year 2022 with all of its prophetic expectation ushers in an even more urgent revelation; right beneath the surface of America’s worship services is a blatant and systematic killing of an emerging generation of prophetic gifts.

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New Year-New Site
John Hairston John Hairston

New Year-New Site

Just in time for the New Year, Revolutionary Ministry Concepts has released the new website that will serve as the central hub for the Media arm of Kingdom’s Embassy International.

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