Redefinition Post series: The Introduction

I keep going back to a word that was imparted to me from Prophet Cheri Pavi-Givens; LANGUAGE IDENTIFIES YOUR LOCATION.

Meditate on this and get back to the reading: Much of the differences between denominations is rooted in LANGUAGE and interpretation of LANGUAGE in the Bible. That is an undeniable fact!

There is a prophetic correlation between denominational differences and the message of the recorded story of the Tower of Babel [Gen. 11:1-9, cf. 1 Cor. 1:10]. When the people wanted to use the collective gift of Unity in violation of its power, the language was confounded into babel [read the definition of “babel”]. According to the two scriptures mentioned, the unity in language and mind accesses the collective power and authority that “nothing which they PURPOSE TO DO will be impossible for them.” [Gen. 11:6 NASB]

Note: the word impossible, in Hebrew, also literally, “withheld from”; which would render the reading “nothing which they purpose to do will be withheld from them…” . This should alert the reader that the provision for the work is in the WORK and OBEDIENCE to the instruction to the laborers.

A reformation and return to the unity of language (for the Church/Ecclessia) is a direct threat to the principalities and powers of the age. The differences in language breeds confusion, which in turn produces division, and further DELAY and OBSTRUCTION of the advancement and progress of mission of the Church.

A part of the work of the apostolic reformation is reconciling the denominations through the redefinition of the jargon that maintains the confusion (babel). The revival or restoration of power will come when this mission is complete.

This series of posts is my contribution to this apostolic work of reformation and reconciliation. I will take certain lingo, clichés, and “church talk” and examine them in light of scripture and sound mind. I will also explore doctrinal and theological concepts, providing context and understanding on how these concepts actually take place in real end-time events.

It is my hope and faith that this will provoke thought and dialogue among the saints as well the world. We should always contend for the faith and be always prepared to give an answer to what we believe.


Redefinition Series: Mantles and Anointings


Spiritual Warfare Demystified