Spiritual Warfare Demystified

Spiritual warfare is not about the Kingdom of God against Satan.

Revelation 12:4, 7-9 says that God defeated Satan in the beginning and cast him to earth as an exile from Heaven. 

Satan in Genesis then usurps (by deception) the dominion of Man.

Christ comes and destroys the work of Satan (1 John 3:8).

Now the only power Satan has had is DECEPTION, nothing more, nothing less (John 8:44)
Now the only spiritual warfare that exists is YOU vs YOUR WILL and DESIRES [simply put YOU vs TEMPTATION]

Spiritual warfare now is waged on the frontlines of CHOICE between your acceptance of TRUTH or DECEPTION-Nothing more nothing less.

All Satan can do is LIE, the only power the lie has IS YOUR BELIEF IN IT.

RESIST THE DEVIL (LIE) and HE WILL (not maybe) FLEE FROM YOU (James 4:7)

You’re Welcome.


Redefinition Post series: The Introduction


A Faith of the Same Kind as Ours