A Faith of the Same Kind as Ours

As I was reading tonight, a portion of 2nd Peter weighed on me. Chapter 1 verse 1 says:

“Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours…”

I was immediately drawn into the thought of whether we, as Christians, have a SAME KIND OF FAITH. In many instances in scripture, faith is defined as the body of knowledge that composes what we believe to be truth. It is our theology and doctrine, founded by a balance between the educational and experiential.

I was brought to the reality that we do not. We are divided off into denominations and collectives that rally behind the interpretation of their predecessors.

Bottom line, this is the error produced by the spirit of the antichrist. And we know it to be antichrist because in this same passage Peter is exhorting us to add to Christian virtue, and in verse 7, we end up at LOVE. And what we are seeing right now is not LOVE at all.

How can we truly believe that we can call the unrepented to a divided house and they see a real difference?

I believe that in this hour of reformation that the Holy Spirit will move in such a way that the walls of partition (denominations) that separate us will fall and that we will reason together and come to a COMMON FAITH. It will be in this that the fullness of the Godhead will be manifested through the Church. The apostate covering that has hindered it from the sight of the people will be stripped away and those called into the last harvest will come into a house glorified by the Spirit of Unity.

Our prayers shouldn’t be to change the world, because if scripture be true and stand inerrant, then we know that they reveal that the world will become increasingly worst. Our prayer should be for the Unity and Common Faith of the Church and the security of the last great harvest to come into unified houses. Our prayers should be to defeat Satan or any other dominion, principality or power, for we know from scripture that has already been accomplished. We are praying for the enforcement of the covenant and Word (and Will) of God to be made manifest in the earth.

Come out of the apostate (denominations) and return to the apostolic (common and like faith).


Spiritual Warfare Demystified


Repentance, Reformation, Revival