Repentance, Reformation, Revival

A diligent search of the letters of John we find a theme of three spirits operating in the earth presently (last days, as John called them): The Spirit of Christ, the spirit of the antichrist, and the spirit of error.

When the disciples asked Christ (Matthew 24-25) regarding the signs of the last days and His return, He stated that deception would rise in direct correlation to the spirit of the antichrist, producing saturation of error among those who claim the faith.

As we watch with a prophetic lens, the spiritual landscape and all of the false teaching and error seated in seats of influence among the saints, we truly recognize the signs foretold by our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, and the appointed scribes of our present Canon.

False teachings arise when there us no Teachers operating among the new births. The proliferation of apostles and prophets has inundated the “church”, but we find no Teachers who rightly divide the Word of Truth.

This makes it easy for the enemy to come and sift and shift the Word in the hearts and minds of the people causing them to chase after the doctrines of demons which further distort, not only the Word of God but further, the very Person of God.

One of the major things that need to be redefined in the Church is the LANGUAGE we use to communicate the Faith. Much of the jargon and buzz phrases are straight out of the kingdom of the cults and bear no real connection to the Spirit of Truth. Even in this hour, many are unintentionally bordering blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, attributing “revelations” and “prophetic words” to Him, and when these counterfeit revelations are weighed against Scripture we find no support for them.

Listen to what Apostle John said in 1 John 2:18-19:

“Little Children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. THEY WENT OUT FROM US, but they were not of us…”

John signified that there were many antichrist running around teaching those things that were diametrically opposed to the gospel of the Kingdom of God, but a startling revelation he gave the reader was those antichrists went out from the Church!

The spirit of the antichrist is seated among the local assemblies ordaining and being ordained to proliferate “another gospel”. What they espouse sounds “spiritual” but it is not scriptural.

There has to be an identification of the spirit behind some of these teachings and repentance that will inspire a reformation and return to the written and living Word of God. Only then will revival come and reign among us.


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