I Got Herod in the Crosshair: Unveiling the Systematic Killing of a Prophetic Generation

Make no mistake about it; the numbers don’t lie. A turned head or deliberate shut eyes won’t make it stop; ignorance won’t impede its steady march and progress. The year 2022 with all of its prophetic expectation ushers in an even more urgent revelation; right beneath the surface of America’s worship services is a blatant and systematic killing of an emerging generation of prophetic gifts.

With persistent stealth and strategy that capitalized off an evangelistically dormant church, the kingdom of darkness released a spirit of Herod into the earth that set in place a strategy to literally murder the Prophecy of Joel:

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your SONS and your DAUGHTERS shall prophesy…your YOUNG MEN shall see visions.”

This same antichristian spirit rose against the youth of the day of Jesus to kill the prophecy of the coming Messiah, slaughtering innocent babies of Rahmah in a wrath that snatched a generation of probable priests and prophets.

With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimating 19 million new infections occurring every year in this country, with approximately 48 percent of these new infections occurring in young people ages 15 to 24. With the Federal Bureau of Prisons reporting Correctional Facilities operating at 36 percent above reported capacity at year end of 2010; and, 1 in 3 Black and 1 in 6 Latino boys born are at risk of imprisonment during their lifetime. When 53 percent of police respondents said serious gangs have migrated into their community, and 43 percent reported that gangs in their city have expanded to other jurisdictions, including suburban communities; and, every two hours in America today a child dies of a gunshot wound.

But all the while, recent research revealing somewhere between 70 and 88 percent of Christian teenagers leaving the church by their second year in college; Over 80 percent of teens who claim to be “born-again” denying the existence of absolute truth; and the New York Times reporting that only 4 percent of teenagers will be “Bible-believing Christians” as adults. What we’ve uncovered is a move to murder the emerging Prophetic generation.

I know that today’s leadership would never dare utter the words I’m about to release right now; SATAN OPERATES IN THE PROPHETIC TOO!

Now, before you cry heresy and condemn me to a burning lake of fire, let’s set aside what we think we know, and consult the ultimate Authority on all things Prophetic, The Word of God. Revelation 12:12 states:

“Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because HE KNOWETH THAT HE HATH BUT A SHORT TIME.”

This same devil who incarnated into the serpent in the garden and heard the PROPHETIC DECLARATION of God, “And I will put enmity…between THY SEED AND HER SEED; and it SHALL BRUISE THY HEAD,” and this understanding that he has of Prophetic (Kairos) Events had him, from that day, setting a strategy in place to murder the Prophecy-by KILLING THE ONE WHO WOULD FUFILL IT!

The crack epidemic of 1985 that ravaged low-income neighborhoods-like harvest consuming locust-was a systematic act of demonic terrorism, against an unsuspecting nation that all but decimated the youth population through addiction, and all related secondary causes (i.e., imprisonment, abandonment, gun violence, gang violence, etc.). And, just as the smoke was beginning to clear in the late 90’s, our youth were seduced by a sex-money-murder infected brand of Rap music that literally kidnapped the culture and raised our children.

A more accurate perspective of our entry into 2015 had pseudo-prophetic Gnostics declaring a super-abundant release of wealth while, at the same time, standing in a valley of the remains of America’s lost demographic-Our Youth!

Where were these “prophetic” voices that decreed ‘all is well’, as billion dollar pharmaceutical companies provided grants to psychiatric research facilities, who legally sacrificed an estimated 5,000,000 American children on the altars of psychiatric drugs like Ritalin, Prozac, Dexedrine, and Luvox; and those youth who didn’t commit violent acts of rape, assault and murder, were committed to mental institutions or prisons en masse; further extinguishing their capability to receive authentic prophetic revelation.

Who will debate that we are missing an entire generation of young men who were caught in the crossfire of the CoIntelPro scourge of the 60’s that claimed the life of Prophet Martin Luther King, Jr.; leaving an entire Civil Rights movement stranded and our communities defenseless. That generation now fills either prisons or graveyards.

And, right under the noses of a lethargic, sleepy-eyed congregation, national surveys by Christian Ministry Resources’ suggest that over the past decade, the pace of child-abuse allegations against American churches has averaged 70 a week.

Reality Check: The “church” doesn’t need a Word, they need a weapon!

I speak to the spirit of this generation of Prophets Watchmen and Gatekeepers, Vanguards of assigned territories; Armed Revolutionaries set for the defense of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God-MAN YOUR STATIONS!

Understand this, with every great move of God, is an equally great move of opposition and increased warfare from the adversary. I prophetically scribe these words like a divine wind that breathed into the empty vessels of assembled bones; I declare that every idea, every creative plan, and strategy that God has deposited in your spirit be activated. I stir up the gifts and prophetic ingenuity that establish community programs that will repair the breach in our communities. I decree a revolutionary movement that will boldly war for the lives and prophetic legacy of our children; the next generation of Apostles and Prophets whom we can’t afford to become casualties of our ecclesiastical negligence.

Some will view the picture on the cover of this issue and ask, ‘Apostle, what are you looking at?’ I see spiritual wickedness in the high place-I got Herod in my crosshair!


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